Wednesday, April 25, 2007

More reflections

This photo was taken in Japan during the month of April.
It was a late afternoon hence the saturated reds and yellows. Again, I was trying my best to capture as many reflections as possible...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Jells Park

River Log
I'm practising looking for reflections in my shots

I feel that the light/dark areas are too far apart, hence the overexposure on the left side of the ducks. I'm not yet sure how to compensate for this apart from waiting for the sun to go even lower so that the light is a little bit more diffused which would also mean I'd need a faster lens ($$$) or bump up the ISO (more visual grain/noise).



Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Stare

This photo of a 5 month old Great Dane was taken in Jells Park on Good Friday. I used a focal length of 95mm on my 18-200mm Tamron kit lens, aperture of F/6, Exposure was set to 1/250sec with the ISO set to 400.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My shot at portrait photography

Due to the lack of lighting equipment, I was forced to use the flourescent light on the ceiling and a living room lamp for the back lighting. Even this produced a low lit scene in my opinion. Therefor I had a long exposure time of 1/10sec with the ISO set all the way up to 1600. I also set the aperture to a max of 2.8 with the focal length of 55mm (I was using my Tamron 28-55mm, which with the 1.5x cropping factor of my Nikon gives me 82.5)

ANYWAY... I wish I had better lighting, and a brighter lens.
But as with any photography, you have to make the best out of what is currently available to you. In the end, I think the result wasn't too bad :)

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Life and Death

Some people may argue to have the dead flower cropped out feeling that the bee and the flower should be the main subject.

The good thing about art is that you don't need to explain yourself to anyone (unless you really want to!)
So in this case, I will! I wanted to keep the dead flower in the frame to contrast the symbolic juxtaposition of this photo. Life being represented by the healthy flower on the left. Life being represented by the bee collecting nutrients to sustain its own life. Life being represented by the vibrancy of colours.
Then you have the other flower on the life representing death.

Yet both flowers come from the same stem, the same root.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Atsuta Shrine

On my last day in Japan, I was fortunate enough to see the cherry blossoms at Atsuta Shrine in Jingu-Mae, Nagoya.

Friday, April 6, 2007


Here are a couple of seaguls that were in the city.
This photo is for Sumi :)

By the way, thanks for the comments and feedback! It really helps with my motivation to put my photos here on my blog!
Also, I'm happy hearing from old and new friends... so keep your comments coming, and I'll do the same with the photos :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Melb. CBD

I took these photos today around the city of Melbourne.
The sun was out in full force which created a few harsh shadows.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Knox Gardens

I took these photos at a primary school (Knox Gardens Primary) near my house.
It was about 5:30pm as the sun was setting.

I used an ISO of 800 in these photos, with varying shutter speeds depending on the distance of my subject.

"A little lower..."

Bins Rubbish
