Today was my last day at Nova and I had to say goodbye to the students, branch staff, and the other instructors.
I was blown away with the kind gestures and gifts I received from everyone!
Don't you hate it when you realise how much you actually appreciate something when you have to let it go?


Me and
"the boyz".

Maiko and Kenichi.

Me and Takeshi.

Chiharu, Miki, and Mana.

The instructors I was working with on my last day.
Brandon, Natsumi, Fleur, Rob, and Jon.

The little munchkins I teach on Saturdays.
Nana, Kazamaru, Naoko, and Koma.

Chikako (the boss)

Our lovely branch staff at Nova Fujigaoka.
Sayaka, Akiko, and Chikako.

No, this is not how we teach our classes!

Me and the guys!

Me and the ladies!

The gang!

Sayaka and Akiko were the branch staff on duty on my last day.
Sayaka (on the left) is always very happy and likes to kid around a lot, but as I was leaving she started to cry but I thought she was joking around (as she usually does) but when after a while, I realised it was for real and gave her a big hug!
I have met so many great people at work and to tell you the truth, it feels kinda weird that i'm leaving and going back home. I don't know what to expect when I get home... I'll have to re-adjust (again). No more Yoshinoya, bento boxes, ramen, and oni-giris!
I will miss everyone and everything about Japan.
I missed out on a few things that I wanted to do so perhaps some time in the future, I'll come back to Japan and quite possibly drop in at Fujigaoka Nova :)
Thank you to all the students, staff, and instructors who have made my experience in Japan a happy and memorable one!